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Top 5 Conflicts
In our experience, the top 5 conflicts every married couple faces are incredibly common and can cause a lot of tension in relationships

Unfinished Business
Unfinished business involves issues you and your spouse have never been
able to fully work through. If one of you is holding onto old hurts

The 3 Core Components of Romantic Love
The 3 Core Components of Romantic Love : Romantic love is more complex than we think.

Summertime Love
Summer is a great time to rekindle your romance and reignite your intimacy! It’s a season of fun and adventure, when many couples...

Getting Closure For Old Hurts
Getting Closure For Old Hurts. Having unresolved conflict in your relationships–especially in your marriage–creates tension.

We Want To Protect Our Marriage From Infidelity. What Should We Do?
If you’re worried about protecting your marriage from infidelity, there’s good news: it means you care deeply.

We're In A Season of Grief: How Do I Stay Close To My Spouse
We're In A Season of Grief: How Do I Stay Close To My Spouse? it’s important to know some ways you can lend support to.

What To do When Your Spouse's Ex Dislikes You
All you want is a peaceful existence with your new family, but their ex does whatever they can to make your life more difficult.

Why Self-Examination Is Essential To Marital Success
Do you spend time examining yourself to become a better person, friend, and spouse? Being willing to examine ourselves ultimately makes us

When Conflict Gets Messy In Marriage
sometimes, conflict gets messy. We might fail to listen to our spouse, say hurtful things, or otherwise escalate a solvable issue.
Why Your Marriage Needs a Year In Review
With the New Year approaching, it’s common to look ahead to the future. But having a “year in review” with your spouse is also important.

Why It's Time For An Attitude Check-Up
Can we build joyful marriages if we don’t make happiness a habit? Absolutely not. Think it’s time for an attitude check-up?

5 Reasons To Pray Together Daily
A list of important reasons why you and your spouse should be incorporating daily prayer into your marriage

4 Ways to Thank Your Spouse
There are many ways to thank your spouse for everything they do for you and to show them how grateful you are for them.

4 Ways To Help Your Spouse Trust You Again
Earning their trust
back takes hard work and patience on both your parts. The good news is, in many situations, it’s possible to earn thei

3 Reasons To Forgive
It has been said that marriage is the combination of two very good forgivers. We have found this to be true in our own marriage–many...

5 Everyday Problems and how to tackle them
Every married couple must overcome problems over the course of their relationship. Obstacles are part of life. Everyone faces them, but...

3 Ways Your Decision-Making Style Affects Your Marriage
Every person approaches decision making in a different way. Some of us are cautious and methodical, while others are more spontaneous....

3 Ways to better understand your spouses personality
Do you want to know your spouse on a deeper level? Gaining a greater understanding of your spouse’s personality (and vice versa) is one...
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